Friday, January 30, 2009

And Then There Was Nothing In Particular.

So I've been listening to me some Avenged Sevenfold.

I've always prided myself on my wide taste in music. I was thinking about this the other day, and then I looked at my recently played list on iTunes and it read as follows:

Brand New
Straylight Run
Bob Dylan
Bright Eyes
Brand New
Ben Folds
Brand New

I realized with horrifying clarity that not only have my musical interests been rooted in the realm of soft folk and half-assed punk, with two exceptions I haven't even strayed past the first two letters of the alphabet. And one of those exceptions is a D! So I decided to go through my 6884 songs and find something decidedly NOT soft, and had a choice between Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold. I love Metallica, I really do, but they are a sometimes band. They have maybe five songs that I can listen to whenever, but the rest is really heavy. Like syrup. It's delicious, but you can only take so much before you start vomiting pancakes and ladyfingers.

My relationship with A7X has been interesting. It started with Beast and the Harlot on the radio, and me saying, "What is this, why am I listening to this?" Somehow the song got better the louder it was blasted. Then my friend Lance got the album City of Evil. Which I stole from him. And I hated it.

Until I got to Seize the Day. Then I was in love with them. Sidewinder is still my favorite song off the album, and now I feel like the whole thing is a classic. I listen to it and it just makes me happy.

Then they came out with the fourth album, the creatively titled Avenged Sevenfold, and I hated it.

"What is with A Little Piece of Heaven? Why are they trying to be like My Chemical Romance? THIS SHIT IS WEAKSAUCE."



Then two weeks later I actually listened to it and fell in love with it. Now those two songs are my favorite on the album. You see, I preach a lot about going into something without expectations. That always seems to be the worst part about movies, music, books, creative shit in general. I still feel like it is a miracle The Dark Knight lived up to the hype. On a related nonsequitor note, I was not as impressed by Iron Man as everyone else. It was definitely a badass movie, but the main villain was lame and the whole final fight left much to be desired. I hate hate hate HATE when movies give you the ULTIMATE SUPER BEING, and then for the big climactic battle against their worst enemy, they create a level of fake suspense by concocting some reason the ULTIMATE SUPER BEING becomes SHORT DICK THE PUSSY. Granted in Iron Man it was a logical thing, and it actually made sense for it to happen the way it did, but it still could have been done better. THAT BEING SAID, I can't wait for Iron Man 2. The preliminary casting reports are sounding amazing, I just hope it doesn't get bogged down like certain other superhero sequels.

What was I talking about before I started dancing on a soap box?

Right, Avenged Sevenfold.

They are the shit.

In other news, work on The Wolf has been productive, if not exactly fruitful. I got about two pages into part 2 before I realized I was writing the worst words any human being has ever commited to the page, and therefore decided to circumvent the whole trainwreck by jumping an extra week into the future. Which, considering when part 2 picks up, isn't that big of a deal. I'm going to try to get that done as soon as this blog gets posted, and hopefully feed the waiting internets their much desired literary foodstuffs.

Apparently my sarcasm generator is broken, which is unfortunate because that's just about the only interesting thing about me.

Which reminds me, I started drawing a comic tonight. Chances are good it will never find its way onto the internet seeing as how there is no scanner in this house (surprising considering how much technology is in this household), but I can assure I have replaced my previous snark and smartasseury with general weirdness.

Here is a sample of one of my jokes.

Panel 1: This is Dave. (image of uninterested individual)
Panel 2: Dave is a beekeeper. (close up on his face, with a bee coming towards him; eyebrow is raised)
Panel 4: (bee lands on his face) He is pretty mellow about it, however.

WASN'T THAT HILARIOUS? Here's another!

Panel 1: The universe machine is broke. Enter BOB THE REPAIRMAN. (uninterested overweight individual)
Panel 2: (holding up plug) "It was just unplugged."
Panel 3: (same image) "That'll be five hundred dollars."

That is why I will never make my living doing webcomics.

1 comment:

Laughing Wolf said...

I am now on this site, posting a comment on your bloog, And am now apparently a blooger.

What's happeneing to the world?

(I know how I spelled it)