Friday, February 20, 2009

Written in Blood: Shadows on the Nigh


Began: Dec. 16th, 2003

Chapter one, the sixteenth blade.

"What is your wish, my lord?" asked Faruma from afar "I have travelled many miles to reach this place, and all you present me is silence."
"If you were truly the legend you make yourself out to be, you would already know." replied the king from his throne "Have you heard the legend of the sixteenth blade?"
"I know no one whom hasn't heard that foolish tale. In the ancient days of our land, an evil wizard took the throne. the people of the land grew so tired of his abuse that they called forth all of the 'self-rightious' warriors to fight him. the next day, their heads were sent down from the throne and given to the people as a sign of warning. then, a weaponsmith came forth and forged fifteen blades, each embued with a different elements power, and gave them to the fifteen most 'reliable' candidates. they over threw the wizard easily and took the throne. some say that he'd forged a sixteenth blade with all of the fifteen earlier elements within it, incase something horrible happened. It is quite stupid, really."
"It is not just a 'stupid tale', it is the truth. and that is why I called you here. you must find the sixteenth blade and bring it to me."

...To be continued

Chapter 2, Mira-tok

The day was flowing just as they always had, the same duties as always. Joseph slowly began to grow tired of his day to day life in Mira-tok city...if you could call it a city. Mira-tok was a very old world town, and few people ever dreamt of anything beyond selling the daily bread and milk.
But there was one person who dared to dream. Joseph Firehawk, the boy who left. Joseph was that kind of person that everyone disliked, just because he thought outside of the box.
But I am straying away from the tale explaining his old life. just know that he was a dreamer. But he never really believed that he would leave the town. He was quite happy where he was.

It was the evening of Arun Digh, the ninth day of the month, when HE came to town.
He was clothed all in black, from head to toe, with just enough space on his head open for him to see.

It was the night that changed everything

...To be continued

Chapter 3, Unfoldings

"I am looking for the sixteenth blade." said Farum as he held Josephs father up against the wall."I know that you know where it is. Now, tell me. Where is it?"

Joseph was hiding underneath the floorboards of his house, just as his father commanded.

"I...have no idea what your talking about..." Said Josephs father. "Just let me go..."
"You shall not fool me so easily Kyazin Firehawk. I know that you are the direct descendant of the weaponsmith."
"You will have to kill before you get it."
"Then kill you I shall" said Farum as he unsheathed a long, silver plated katana.

...To be continued

Chapter 4, The battle

Farum dropped Josephs father and plunged his blade at the wall.
"I missed?" questioned Farum
"You didn't think i'd give up without a fight did you?" said Kyazin as he opened his coat and pulled two matching daggers from off his hips.

Farum swung his blade at Kyazin with great force and will. Kyazin crossed his blades in an X shape and blocked the attack.

Joseph continued to hear the clang of blades clashing together in a sense of joy and fear. His father had never done this before, nor had he ever shone signs of even knowing how to hold a blade.
what was going on???

"You are very talented, I must admit. But I am very much holding back." said Farum
"I thought as much..."

Another barrage of attacks and blocks between the two of them sent sparks flying everywhere. They both jumped back slightly.

"Why do you seek the sixteenth blade?" asked Kyazin "I would think a person of your strength would believe it to be a mere myth."
"I do. It is your king who seeks it."

Farum then charged forward with his blade out, and Kyazin dodged, but then Farum turned his blade on it's side and cut into Kyazin.

To be continued...

Chapter 5, Cryptic message

Kyazin fell to the floor, clutching his side.

"You stupid old man, how dare you try and fight back? I would've expected more from the wielder." said Farum
"'ve won? This...this is just the beginning..."

Kyazin then grabbed one of his blades and rammed it through his chest.

"I will say but one thing before I die..." said Kyazin as he he turned his head down and stared directly at the eyes of his son "The sixteenth blade lies within the heart of the tortured soul..."

Kyazin then spat up a small bit of blood and fell over. The soon-to-be familiar vacant look in his eyes nearly made Joseph scream. but something deep inside him, some hidden reserve of courage, kept him silent.

"The sixteenth blade lies within the eyes of the tortured soul? What is that supposed to mean?" said Farum as he grabbed Kyazin's body and left the small house in a rage. "no matter, Merlin will know the answer."

To be continued...

Chapter 6, Secret

"You have failed me, Faruma. I expected more from the slayer of the east." said the king
"Please forgive me my lord, he killed himself before I could stop him. I did not think he would do something so drastic!" replied Faruma
"I wil give you another chance, but do not fail me..."
"Yes my lord." said Faruma as he dissapeared through the door.

The king stared at the body of Kyazin Firehawk.

"I did not wish to see you dead so soon. SLAVES!!!" screamed the king
"Yes master?" said one of the three slaves "what is your wish?"
"Have this man buried at the top of Senna hill. Give him the the utmost honor and respect."
"Of course my lord."said the slave as they left and came back with a casket of royal standards and placed Kyazin's body inside, then left with the casket.
"I apologize Kyazin, I did not want him to kill you. May the lord rest your soul. I may see you again in the great"

...To be continued

Chapter 7, Accident

Joseph woke up suddenly from his dream. He looked around at the abysmal setting of the kyaghdi night (the celebration of a great war years earlier when all people go inside their houses and lock up).

It was one week after his father died. Joseph was then thirteen years old. He had left Mira-tok and ventured out into the Sieheaghd forest in hopes to find the sixteenth blade.
A twig snapped behind him.

"Who's there?" said Joseph to the shadows
"Where do you think you are? you are tresspassing on my land!" said a farmer
"I'm sorry, I just..."
"I don't care what you say, it's all a lie any way. boy, your coming with me... you are my new slave."

...To be continued

Joseph Firehawk- Dark brown hair(spiked), a brown robe with DBZ-style baggy pants. Green eyes. 6'' 11'

Kyazin Firehawk- Black hair(Trunks style), a stained white muscle shirt. brown eyes. 7''2'

Faruma Hitashi- blue hair(spiked), wrapped in black strips of leather head to toe. red eyes. 7''6'

King Moraizic- flowing white hair(old dude style), royal robes(white/silver) blue eyes, 5''9'

Chapter 8, Merlin and the councel of elders

"So..." said Merlin "You have been hired by the king of Nara to find the sixteenth blade...and you accepted? that's quite an undertaking for a sceptic such as yourself...and now you want us to decipher the clue he gave you before he died?"
"Yes." said Faruma "But I don't think he gave it to me...he was looking down into the floorboards when he said it."
"Whom else could he have said it to?" asked Artuh, a member of the councel.
"I believe he had a son..."Said Faruma

Then, the entire room burst into laughter. Merlin, with his blue robes and pointed blue hat stood up.
"Such an idea is foolish! Kyazin Firehawk had no wife, no slaves, and had always lived alone. How could he have a son?"
"Tierra Linseed." said Faruma quite cooly.
Then, all of the councel members murmered to each other. Merlin sat down and the Councel hushed suddenly.

"Tierra Linseed was killed thirteen years ago by the slayer of the west...." said Merlin
"And in her unfinished will, she declared her love for Kyazin. And, there was a torn blue blanket just small enough for a baby found near Kyazin's house. "
"No matter what evidence you have against us," said Merlin "The matter cannot be proven as you killed all members of the town before you could ask them. As for the riddle, I must admit that I... we... cannot answer it for you."
"The ages of the wisemen truly are over." said Faruma "I shall not return for 'wisdom' again"


"You there...boy! SLAVE!!!" screamed the farmer
"What do you want?" Said Joseph
"How dare you speak to your master in such a way?"
"You are not my master! No one is!!!" screamed Joseph
"I DEMAND OBEDIANCE!!!" Screamed the farmer as he pulled out his whip and lashed Josephs naked back.

...To be continued

Chapter 9, Revelation

It was a week after Joseph had been enslaved and he now had pity for all those others who'd been slaves all their life. Joseph was in pain, and deep in the back of his mind he knew that he would probaly never escape.

But then again, he never gave up hope.

Joseph was moving in the line, carrying the buckets of water when he tripped and, not only spilled his bucket, but everyon elses bucket too. but that was not the matter set in his mind at the time. Ever since he was enslaved, he'd been whipped on he back many times, and now dirt was getting onto those wounds, making him nearly scream in agony.
But the slave driver did not care how much pain Joseph felt, only the six days of water that he'd just spilled.

"Boy!!!"screamed the driver as he pulled out his whip "Your stupidity extends beyond that of an %$$! your no use to any living thing on this earth! you must now face the penalty! six-hundred lashes!"

And so, the lashings began, each one tearing deeper and deeper into his skin.

"Maybe.."screamed the driver, saying something in between each lash " o...carry...your...

Suddenly, Joseph spun around and grabbed the whip just as it was about to hit.
"I told you, no on is my master!!!"screamed Joseph.

He felt a strange energy flowing through him, and into the whip as he said those words. Suddenly, the whip exploded right before their very eyes. The driver fell on his bottom and stared up at Joseph. his eyes had became a distinct red.
...To be continued

Cahpter 10, release

A bright red light was eminating off of Joseph's body. these words seemed to echoe throughout the scene.

"The sixteenth blade lies in the eyes of the tortured soul"

Joseph clapped his hands together, creating a ball of red energy around his right hand. he then plunged his arm into the ground, sending chunks of rock flying everywhere. When he pulled his arm back out, somrthing amazing appeared.

The sixteenth blade, clenched in Joseph's hand, had bee pulled out of the earth.

Its hilt was platinum, with a dark red crystal on the end. its guard was polished, gold plated dragon bone, and its blade was made of some unknown metal, giving off a light that, at first, seemed white, but it was a multitude of different colors. its edge was sharpened and edged in acid.

Joseph swung the blade just once, and the slave drivers were all blown back to the ground, and all of the slaves shackles were cut to ribbons. At first, they stared in wonder, then they ran off.

"I suppose you'll be wanting this, Faruma?" said Joseph to the bushes.

Faruma stood up, and gave a few claps.

"Very good, son of Kyazin Firehawk. You have found the legendary Sixteenth Blade. you have it, but can you use it?" said Faruma as he drew his silver plated blade.

...To be continued

Chapter 11, Climactic battle

Faruma held his blade up so the sun glinted off it perfectly. Then, clouds started to gather in the sky.

"Do you know what this is?" Asked Faruma "This is the Ninth blade, the blade of the sky. As I said before, you may have the Sixteenth blade, but you have not had the chance to master it's abilities. you might as well just give up now."
"And give up my chance at saving the world?" Said Joseph as he pointed the blade towards Faruma's face "besides, you killed my father. i can't take that sitting down."
"Then you accept my challenge?"
"Of course."

And so, the climactic battle began. The blades clashed against each other, causing bolts of lightning to fly out.

"Your sword play is good, much better than your fathers. but you don't know how to use the magic."

Suddenly, the air arround Faruma grew darker and more stale. all the sounds from the surrounding areas seemed to be drowned away by the blackness. Faruma's voice grew deeper and more demonic.

"Heay zetu kali me. Tanamanie etu ze." chanted Faruma slowly. "I call upon the black sky... give me strength."

Suddenly, Faruma pointed his blade at Joseph and said "Him" and a hurricane began to form around Joseph.

"Now witness the true power of the Ninth blade."

...To be continued

Chapter 12, The message

"You see? You shall fall before you even get the chance to use it!" screamed Faruma through the hurricane. it was slowly growing smaller, and soon it wound tear Joseph to ribbons and leave the sixteenth blade unharmed.
But then, a strange light came through the hurricane, and an incantation was being chanted.

"Hatu ku Ne I. Seiet ro nem lienm." screamed Joseph. "I call upon the power of Fire... Give me strength!!!"

The hurricane then burst into flames, soon after dissapearing.

"I recreated this blade in the image of fire, therefore, I have the abilities of fire." said Joseph
"I will kill you just as your father, But I will not let you kill yourself. you shall die a painful death by my hand!" Screamed Faruma as he charged at Joseph.

A falcon, a letter tied to it's leg, flew out from no where. at it's call, Faruma stopped.

"The kings messenger." said Faruma as he opened the letter "Do not kill the boy, bring him to me. do not harm him. It seems you've gotten lucky boy. your king wants you alive. you will follow me."
"After you tried to kill me?"
"Listen here boy. you have the sixteenth blade! you just stopped one of my most powerful attacks without even trying! how could I possibly hurt you?"
"And besides, even if you say no, i'll just encage you and take you to the king anyway. your coming with either way."

...To be continued

Chapter 13, In the past

It was, quite distinctly, deep in the winter of the sixth year. My entire family had been completely killed off by Shongen Demons. It was the last day that I was considered "alive" in any conventional sense. It was the day I lost the name Mejiah Hitashi. It was the day that I became Faruma Hitashi...

"What do want child?" asked the royal guard.
"I wish to speak to the king!" screamed the twelve year old Faruma over the heavy winds "He had business with my parents before they died!"
"What is your name?" Asked the guard.
"Mejiah Hitashi!"

At the mension of this name, the guards immediately stepped aside.

Mejiah walked through the gate and made his way to the kings chamber. He burst through the twin wooden doors and glared at the king behind them.

"Mejiah?! Your... still alive? Wh...what a blessing that your life is still intact!" exclaimed the king in surprise.

Mejiah, immediatly detecting the kings fear, took the occasion to question him.

"How did you know my parents were dead?" asked Mejiah
"I...your parents are dead? How...uh...tragic. Tragic indeed!" replied the king
"Why are you stuttering? What are you trying to hide?"
"Stuttering? Wha...What do you mean?"

At this, Mejiah walked forward and got right up in the kings face.

"I can sense your fear, king Hephizia. I know you ordered my families death."
" can't order de...demons around!" said the king, thinking the argument was won.
"Oh really? How did you know that they were killed by demons?"
"Just a...lucky guess I suppose" replied the king nervously

Mejiah unsheathed a dagger at his side and pointed it at the kings throat.

"Why did you do it? they helped you become king of this land! how could you?" Screamed Mejiah, tears slowly streaming out from his eyes.
The king, growing more and more nervous by the second, called for his guards and stood up.
"You have gone too far boy!" screamed the king as he kicked Mejiah in the chest, knocking him down. "So you have figured out my little conspiracy, so what? no one is going to believe a little punk brat like you!"

four guards came in and grabbed Mejiah at all the limbs, carrying him away.

"I hereby declare..."Screamed the king at Mejiah "The you are no longer Mejiah Hitashi! You will now be known as Faruma Hitashi, the slayer of the east! the boy who killed his own parents in retaliation!"

That is why i lied to the king about the existance of the sixteenth blade. That is why I seek it. to avenge my family, my name, and my honor.
That was when I was sent to the Black Pits, where I was forced to do slave labor for nine long years. I'd escaped, and was taken in by Liambre the master. He tought me everything I know today.

I guess the king focused so hard on thinking that I was dead that he forgot all about me.

And now I travel with the master of the sixteenth blade to the kings court. I hate the boy, not because of how he managed to recieve the blade, not because he nearly defeated me. No, I hate him because he is so much like me.

...To be continued

Chapter 14, The kings decision

"The plan is coming along perfectly..." said the king
"Indeed, you are more brilliant than you let on to be." said a dark mass in the corner of the room "Soon, all sixteen blades will be in my possesion, and the last remaining relatives of the forger will be dead."
The king shuddered slightly, trying not to let on to his lineage.

"Soon, I will no longer be just a Shadow on the Nigh, but I will be the ruler of this land!" said the dark mass.
"With me as your right hand man, correct?" questioned the king.
"You? My right hand man? How ridiculous!" replied the mass
"Then..what is to become of me?" questioned the king
"Why... you'll be my vassel!" said the mass as it changed into a liquid form and went down the king's throat, just as a royal guard entered the room.

"My lord! Faruma and the boy have arrived!shall I let tham in?" asked the guard
"Of course!"said the fake king.

Faruma walked into the room soon after, followed by Joseph with the Sixteenth blade in a newly fassioned sheath at his side.

"So..." said the king "this is the boy who found the sixteenth blade? As I hear, you are the last remaining relative of the forger of that great blade."
"Such is true." said Joseph
"What is your name?" asked the king
"Joseph Firehawk." replied Joseph
"Joseph? That hardly seems the proper name for blade wielder." said the king "How about a new one?"
"I would much like to keep my name O great king, for it is the last thing my father left me, save this blade."
"And what a thing he left you! That blade alone holds the future of us all! That, surely, is worth more than your name?"
"My lord," said Faruma "please get on to business as the boy and I are extremely tired."
"Fine Fine. Joseph, I wish too... extend an olive branch, if you will. I know I sent this man to kill you but, I was not thinking clearly. Joseph Firehawk, I want you to go out and find all of the rest of the sixteen blades. You may stay here for tonight, but I wish for you to set out on your quest tommorow morning. When you have completed this task, bring all Sixteen blades, and their wielders, back to me. I also wish for Faruma to go with you, clearly you two seem to have a sort of.. brotherly bond forming or something. anyway, eat, drink and feast to your hearts content! get as much sleep as you can, for tommorow, you Joseph begin your life as a warrior!"

And with that, the king rushed them out and closed the doors.

"They are falling fully into my trap...foolish mortals...they will bring all sixteen blades to me, and then I will be reborn! My reign of terror shall continue from where it left off!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

...The End...for now...

Chapter 15, Treachery

"I hope they come back soon..." said Lin "If only i could have fought beside them! then my heart would not be so heavy!"
"You know you could not have gone!" said Lin's mother "You were wounded in training! You would not have lasted five minutes out there!"

It had been three months since Lin's father and the army of Mai warriors left to fight the imperial fleet. Lin grew more worried as every day passed without his father returning. Lin was supposed to have gone with them, for he had just turned twenty, but on his last day of training, a trecherous friend "accidently" shot him through the leg with a crimson arrow.

"I cannot wait any longer!" screamed the angry Lin "What if father is dead and rotting in the sun?"
"But what if he is still alive and fighting in the war?"
"I must leave and find him, living or dead!"

And so, Lin Hyasugi claimed his sword and armor and set off for the place where his father was supposed to be fighting.
He had rode for three days, without stop or rest, till finaly he reached the bloody battle field.

It was the most terrifying sight that Lin had ever seen in his life...
hundreds of thousands of dead bodies as far as the eye could see. Some were wearing the blue and green armor of his village, but many more were wearing the black suits of the king. Lin searched every single body, and laid each one to rest.

It was on the third day of burial that Lin discovered his father.

Seventeen arrows jutted from his chest, and many cuts were seen all over his was a miracle that he was still alive, even if just by a thread. Upon seeing his sons face, Lin's father spoke his last words...

" boy. You are the greatest sight for these old eyes..."
"Who did this to you?"
"It was not the kings men... it was the king himself, and a shadow of some sort. They both wore demonic smiles... their greatest joy...was the death of us..."
"I will hunt them down and let their bodies rot in the sun!!!"
" son. avenge your father... avenge you people... avenge us all..."

And so, the slayer of the west, Linza Hyasugi was born.

...To be continued

Chapter 16, Directions

"Where do we go first?" asked Joseph
"Use the blade." replied Faruma
"What do you mean?"
Faruma sighed "Drop the blade on the ground and see."
"How do I know you won't take it?"
"I won't take it until we have all sixteen. For now, you are the only person who can use it"

Joseph stared at Faruma for a few seconds before he dropped the blade on the ground. Strangely, the blade did not hit the ground, rather it stopped just before it hit and began to spin around like a top. Suddenly, it stopped, it's blade pointing at a forest nearby. The roman numeral IV hovereed above the blade.

"The fourth blade." said Fauma "The blade of the sea. We have our work cut out for us."

Faruma took a few steps forward before he remembered something.
"Joseph..." said Faruma as he unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Josephs face. "Put the tip of Your blade to mine."
"Why?" asked Joseph
"Just do it!"
Joseph reached down and grabbed his blade and did as Faruma told him. Suddenly, both blades started to shine silver. Slowly, the light began to fade from the Ninth blade into the Sixteenth blade.

"What just happened?" asked Joseph
"Now the sixteenth blade has the abilities of fire and sky."
"What about your blade?"
"I still have a little power left."

And so, the two set out from the castle as the sun rose into the sky, off to find the fourth blade.

...To be continued

Chapter 17, New meetings

"Joseph..." said Faruma "For once, I agree with the king. Joseph isn't exactly the greatest name for someone who will be remembered all throughout history."
"Listen! I know my name isn't exactly great but it's the name my father gave me! I don't want to change it."
"Alright...all i'm saying is that 'Joseph the mighty' isn't exactly intimidating."
"Come on! Did you change your name to make it sound cooler?"

Joseph had struck forbidden ground...

"Not on purpose."
"What? Are you saying you...accidentaly changed your name? How is that possible?"
"It's none of your business." -a twig snapped near by- "What was that?"

Faruma jumped over to the bushes and thrust his arm inside them. he pulled his arm out holding a boy in blue clothes.

"Let me go! Let me go!" the little boy said "I'll tell my daddy if you don't!"
"And how will you do that if your still being held by me?" asked Faruma "What are you doing here?"
"My daddy sent me out here to find out things about the strangers."
"So we're the strangers?" asked Joseph
"You don't live here! Your a stranger!" screamed the little boy
"What's your name kid?" asked Faruma
"Kido Hyasugi."
"Hyasugi? your fathers first name wouldn't happen to be...Lin?" asked Faruma
"That's enough Kido." said a man hidden in the trees "I know this man. Mejiah! it has been a very long time!"
"I am no longer Mejiah, incase you cannot remember how we met?"
"I remember. Okay...Faruma...what brings you to my lands?"
"We search for the sixteen blades, under the kings order." said Faruma
"Really?" said Lin as he unsheathed a sword at his side "Then you shall be wanting this I suppose? The fourth blade."
"Yes!" said Faruma as he reached for the blade. Lin pulled it just out of his reach.
"You will have to fight me for it. Tomorrow, at the eastern shore of the ocean, we shall wager our two blades."

...To be continued

Chapter 18, part A, The dead sea

It was known as the dead sea. The place where hundreds of trees reached up from the depths, like drowning hands reaching up for a brace. Indeed it was a common metaphor for the dead sea, as the trees grabbed anything that came close enough to be grabbed.

And yet, the place had a history, a history rich enough that it must be told before current events come to pass.

It began three hundred years before, when the sixteen blades were first being forged...

...To be continued

Chapter 18, Part B, The dead sea

The dead sea was not known as the dead sea, but the Trailis sea. Trailis Phehadra, the first of the seven black nights, had saved the near by village from a group of Satania Demons, the worst kind of demon in the world, trying to take a precious jewel from the core of the town. He knew that he could not fight the Satania demons unless they had some sort of handi-cap. This is how it got the name of the man, Trailis...

-The day before the fight-

"We want the Kimina jewel! Give it to us now and we will leave your village peacefully." said the head Satania
"The jewel is what gives our city life! You cannot take it!!!" screamed Trailis
"Then we shall destroy your city and take it from the rotting corpse of your city!"
"I will have it that we make a deal! Noon tommorow, I will bring the jewel to the Kitey sea(the dead sea) and we will fight for it! If you win, you get the jeewel, if I win...well, you won't be alive."
"FINE! noon tommorow, you die!"

...To be continued

Chapter 18, Part C, The dead sea

-The day of the fight, 9:07 A.M.-

"What are you going to do Trailis?" asked Trailis's wife "How can you beat them?"
"My mind is greater than their bulk, I'll find a way."

Trailis spent several hours trying to formulate a plot. He could not wield a sword, and he bore no shield. Trailis was a wizard, a white one at that. Though he did not wear the clothes of a white wizard, he had the image of a phoenix burnt into his left arm.

"I can't cast anything but healing spells. What have I gotten myself into?"

It was 11:52 now. Trailis had searched through hundreds of ancient books, searching for a spell that could destroy the demons.

-11:59, at the Kitey sea-

"Where is that human filth?" screamed one of the demons
"We should just destroy the town and take the jewel!"
"NO!" screamed the head demon "We may be demons, but we still have honor!"


"I am here." said Trailis to the pack of demons. The area of the Kitey sea in which they were fighting had two penninsulas, ecah one's point facing the other, with a gap in the center that fell into the sea.

Without wasting any time, the demons extended their claws and charged.
Trailis started chanting a spell, while his eyes began to glow blue.

Suddenly, dead trees began to grow up from the depths of the sea, grabbing the demons and crushing them.

Trailis revealed a blade, and shoved it into the stone in front of him. it was the Fourth blade.

No one knows how or where Trailis receved the Fourth blade, but everyone knows that, being a white wizard you where not allowed to use blades of any kind, or else your heart will fail.
Trailis had fallen off the edge, and was caught by one of the trees. The tree tightened it's grip on Trailis just enough so no air could enter his new grave, and pulled him under.

After then, they renamed the Kitey sea, the Trailis sea. Many years past and the town was destroyed, the name forgotten. Now, anyone who treads close to the dead sea is dragged under and crushed.

To this day, Trailis Phehadra lies beneath the dead sea, his body perfectly preserved.

...To be continued

Chapter 19, the mistake

Faruma walked through the bushes and found the dead sea.
"Lin, before we start this fight, I just want to tell you that even if I win, I need you to come with me." said Faruma
"Then you shall fight for my company. I am eager to see if your skills have faded in any way."

They each unsheathed their blades and ran towards each other, fighting expertly. Joseph sat at the side, watching in horror as the trees, like hands, reached around and tried to grab the two as they fought atop the two peninsulas.

"Look out!" screamed Joseph as he jumped out of the bushes and ran towards the two.

Faruma and Lin both looked at Joseph as one of the trees grabbed him and encased.

"No!" said Faruma under his breath.

Light began to shine through the tree limbs, and the "hand" of the tree exploded. Joseph, his eyes a flaming crimson hovered above the splintered root. He flew forward and started hacking at the trees, cutting them easily with the power of the sixteenth blade.


Silence suddenly surrounded all. what color there was, was now gone. a single, moss covered tree extended out of the water, and opened up.

Standind there, was a man, and in his left hand, was the second blade, the blade of fury.

" have awokened his spirit!"

...To be continued

Chapter 20, "...and his eyes will shine with the light of death"

"Who dares wake me from my eternal slumber?" asked the angered Trailis "Step forward so I may give you peace!"
"What is this?" asked Joseph to Faruma
"Haven't you heard the legend?" asked Faruma, expecting no answer
"And the days of colour and light will be gone. His soul will awaken, and his might shall be unleashed upon those who wronged him. And he will see the sun in the eyes, and his eyes will shine with the light of death. The legend of Trailis-Akadra*. The soul of the dead composition." said Li

AKADRA-demonized soul that cannot rest untill it has done it's last duties in life

"You know the legends well, ancestor." said Trailis-Akadra "Where is the boy?"
"What boy?" said Faruma unconvinsingly, hiding Joseph behind his back "I know not what you speak of."
"The child with the sun in the eyes, bring him to me." demanded Trailis-Akadra

Joseph stepped forward, much to Faruma's distress, and held the sixteenth blade out infront of him.

"I know what you want, so come and get it."

...To be continued

Chapter 21, The new journey

"I think he's awake..." said someone near by
"After the beating he got? No way!" said someone else

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. 'What is this place?' thought I to myself. I seemed to be in a dungeon...a dungeon? 'How is this possible?'
I tried to stand up, but fell down quickly as pain flooded my beaten and bruised body.

"Where am I?" asked I to one of the men
"So, you are awake!" said the first man
"Do you not remember?" asked the second

I thought about how I got here, but could not remember. Nothing came to me, only a blank infinity...

"We found you near the dead sea." said the second man

Someone burst into the room from a door that I did not see.

"Is he awake yet? The lord lord wishes to see him as soon as possible!" proclaimed the man
"He is awake, but I am afraid he has been stricken with amnesia." said the first man, whom I presumed was a guard.
"That does not matter, he is alive and awake, so the lord must see him now!"

The two guards opened the gate to the cell that I did not realize I was in, and forced me to walk. A pain beyond pain filled me with sorrow. Sorrow that I did not know who I was, or how I got these wounds.

...To be continued

Chapter 22, The lord and the lost identity

They led me up countless stairs, through countless doorways and down many secret hallways. My pain had seemed fade now, as I had grown used to it. Too many questions were buzzing through my head, my heart felt empty and cold. After what felt like hours, we finally reached "The Lords Chamber". They opened a set of gigantic doors and pushed me through, locking me in. I looked around, no one was in here.

"So, you are the one they found." said a mysterious voice.

I looked around but could not find the source of the voice.

"Where did you come from? Who sent you? Why are you here? What do you want?" repeated the voice over and over in my head, causing me tremendous pain. I fell down painfully, smashing several pots and jars sitting on a table next to me.

"Sorry, I'd forgotten that a child cannot take that kind of abuse. Tell me, where did you come from?" said the voice, not in my mind but actually audibly.
"I don't know."
"You don't know? Come now, you must. What country do you hail from?"
"I can't remember."
"What do you remember?"
"Come now, you must remember something! How did you get here?"
"Your serious, aren't you? I see! You must have taken a blow to the head, and now you have amnesia!"

A blow to the head, this suddenly made me remember something.

"Foolish boy, you cannot wield it." said a man with rotting flesh and a sword in hand. He bashed me on the head, sending me flying...somewhere.

"MEN!" screamed the lord. Several guards burst into the door "Take him to the royal chambers, do not let him leave, but give him what ever he asks. I must ask the council of elders about this boy."

...To be continued

Chapter 23, What happens next?

I'd been sitting in the Royal chambers for hours now, tying hard to remember that scene. What does it mean? 'Foolish boy, you cannot wield it', that's what that...zombie thing...said. What can't I wield? What is going on?

The two guards burst in and told me that it was time.

"Time for what?" asked I
"The lord has made his decision!" said the guard to the left

They both grabbed me and carried me out. They took me to a dungeon with a high glass window on the back wall, a man wearing a black mask with an ax and block of concrete, stained with blood, infront of him, and about twenty samurai soldiers lined up against the front wall. In the window, a man stood, his entire body over shadowed. When the man spoke, his voice sounded like that of the lord.

"In the name of Manakahd castle, I declare this boy a threat to ours and every other kingdom in this fair land. I declare that his blood be spilled, and that this threat be forgotten. Before he dies, I will allow him one last request."

I stood in disbeleif at the thought that I was about to die for no reason.
"What led you to this decision?" I asked after a moment of thought
"I went to the council of elders, where the great Merlin presides, and asked them of you. They told me that you were a threat, and that you must be killed. I asked why, but they would not say. They have never been wrong, so I beleived them. Now, off with his head!"

The guards grabbed me and put my head against the concrete block, the stench of old blood making me sick. The man in the black mask lifted up his ax

...To be continued

Chapter 24, Thennanor, the mighty warrior

The man lifted his ax and set it on my neck, making sure he knew where it would drop. My heart was pounding, I was about to die, and I didn't even know who I was! The ax lifted up, and I held my breath, this is it!

I heard a sword unsheath and something hit the ground.

"His blood shall not be spilled this day!" said a friendly voice nearby. I heard many slashes and felt many gusts of wind, until the guard that was holding me down let go. I stood up to see that all the soldiers had been killed by one man with a blade that was twice as small as everyone elses.
An archer, hidden on a secret balcony fired an arrow at me, but the man jumped and hit it with his sword before it hit me. He then aimed his sword at the archer and let a bolt of lightning issue forth, killing him. I stared at him, in awe.

I looked up at the window, but the lord was gone.

We ran out of the castle, across a bridge and he stopped in the center.
I stood in the grass as he unsheathed his sword, sliced the bridge in two, and jumped over before it fell. The bridge fell several hundred feet into a moat of lava.

The castle was a floating island, surrounded by a moat of lava, and it's only connection to this side was the bridge that was now incinerated.

Who is this man?

...To be continued

Chapter 25, The plot thickens

We'd been walking for some time, not knowing exactly where he was taking me. I decided to brake the silence.

"Why do you use such a small blade?" I asked, noticing the man's blade was shorter than all the other warriors I'd seen in my new memory.

He stopped walking and starred at me.

"You know the legend of the sixteenth blade. Everyone does. What people don't know is that there is a second part to that legend. There are sixteen blades, forged of fifteen key elements. Well, these blades were so powerful that anyone who used them could take over the world, despite their original intention. So, in a spurt of hope, the owners of the sixteen blades forged smaller, identical blades that had a fraction of the power. This is one of them. The sixth small blade, the blade of lightning. Only a person who uses the small blades for it's intended purpose can find it's larger, more powerful counterpart."

...To be continued

Sub-Chapter 1, The sixteen blades.
Each number represents a blade.


What stops me from writing?
Read all I want, I can't get over it.
It's tortureing my soul!
Time passes so slowly, why won't it go away?
Evil disease, I banish thee from thine mind!
Right, right, I know, I'll get over it.
Stupid writers block.

Blocking of writting. That's what you are.
Live I can't with this evil disease
Or maybe I can sew the guy who created writers block...hmmm*devil grin*
C...can't come up with a bad thing about writers block that starts with C.
Kill them all! the writers blocks I mean.

Writers block sucks. As does life at the center of the earth, but that's a whole other story.

Chapter 26, The fountain of dreams

After being told about the second part of the legend of the sixteenth blade, I blacked out and remembered something...

"The sixteenth blade lies in the eyes of the tortured soul..." said a mysterious voice
"...the sun in the eyes..." said another voice

All I could see was darkness, but then a light appeared. I ran towards it, and ended up in a fountain (think fairy fountain from O.o.T.). There stood a woman, long blonde hair hanging down to the ground.
"Joseph Firehawk." said the woman with an astoundingly beautiful voice
"Was that my name ?" asked I
"It was..." replied the woman
"Who are you? What is this place?"
"This is the fountain of dreams, and I am it's keeper, Tierra Linseed."
"You seem somewhat...familiar."
"It is true that we have met in the past... but you can no longer remember."
"I wish I could..."
"I have brought you here for a reason. The man who is helping you, stay with him, or all will fail..."

Suddenly, the fountain began to dissolve. I realized that I was waking up.

"Wait!" screamed I "If we have met in the past, you must know at least tell me my current name!"
"The name you shall go by from here on out, is Firehawk. I will one day see you son."

...To be continued

Chapter 27, The past

The days of peace are coming to an end. The last lights in the towers of Zera and Kia have burnt out. The clouds grow darker and thicher with every day that it lives. Only one person can stop this wave of evil. A hawk, wreathed in flames, set forth by the powers of all; he is our last hope. Those many years ago when the sixteen blades were first being forged, an evil shadow reigned supreme over all the lands of this world, and the next. It was vanquished by a man with the blade of supreme power, the sixteenth blade. It was so powerful though, that the man did not feel the need to use all his strength to destroy the shadow.

It was a mistake, that all would soon come to regret...

In this modern age, where the legends of old have been nearly forgotten, a shadow awakens from a sleep that it never intended to weather. It has taken over the body of the king of our greatest land, and he intends to send his minions forward and rule over all the lands of this world, just as he did so many years ago. Though he is slowly gaining strength, he needs all sixteen blades in their combined form to bring him above his formal power. And wishes their bringers, their wielders, to come as well, so he can strike them down and take the blades for his own evil power.

A defense was set up for the shadows return, but something has gone wrong.

The man who was born to wield the sixteenth blade...was not a man at all. He was a boy, a mere child. Something caused his blood to boil, and so he received the sixteenth blade nine years early. We will fix this mistake. Rather, I will fix this mistake.

Merlin always fixes the mistakes...

...To be continued

Chapter 28,

I awoke, finding myself surrounded by many dead bodies.
"What the..." I said in fear. I'd wante to scream the name of the man who'd saved me, but he never told me his name. I stood up and looked around. It was night time, but both the moons were full.

I was scarred. I had no where to go.

"Boy...over here..." spoke a familiar voice. I ran towards it, finding the man that had saved me impaled with many arrows "Sorry we never got to know each other very well. I don't have much time, I need to tell you many things. My name is Thennanor Kenshin. A wizard named Merlin sent me here to make sure you lived. The thing wrapped in cloth on my back, take it. I found it beside you when you were knocked out at the dead sea. You find need to find Merlin...before..."
"Wait...don't die! tell me, what happened here?"
"I was protecting you, and a group of...AGH...demon assassins came and tried to kill you. I killed them all, but there was an archer that I hadn;t seen and...well..."

After several minutes, Thennanor passed on. The thing he wanted me to have was a sword, a platinum plated sword. Before I left, I dug a hole and buried his body, then burned the bodies of the demons. I didn't know why I did it, just some normal reflex I suppose.

I searched the battlefield and discovered something. Thennanors blade was now much llarger, and that was when I figured it out. When he tried to defend me, he managed to recieve the true sixth blade. I, for some reason buried in my forgotten past, placed my blade on his, and something strange happened. Both of the swords began to glow yellow, but slowly, mine gained more of the light until finally, I had all of it.

I set off on my own, now searching for this wizard...Merlin

...To be continued

Chapter 29, The great happening

It had been several days since Thennanor perished. My heart was heavy, and with the little that I knew, I was terrified as to what was coming. I had managed to hitch a ride with a caravan heading east. They said that they could take me as far as the Tri-Nya cities. After many hours of traveling, a conversation ensued as to my origin.

"So you...can't remember who you are?" asked the man holding the reigns.
"I know that my name from here on out is to be...Firehawk."

The man twitched at the sound of the name. The coach stopped, and the man turned and starred me straight in the eye.

"Get the hell out of my caravan you trouble making bastard!"

He and several other people grabbed me and tossed me off the side, leaving me in the middle of a flat, grassy field, on the hour of the setting sun. I had no idea what I did wrong, but I would soon find out.

"It is unfair, isn't it?" said some one from behind me. I jumped, for I was not aware of his presence.
"Who...who are you?" asked I in fear. The man stood nearly eight feet tall, and he had a strange blue aura surrounding him.
"I am the blue star that you never see, yet know is watching you at every turn. I am the crimson sun, who's power cannot be mesured by what is presented. I am Merlin, leader of the council of elders, assisstant many of the kings of old."
"Merlin...your the one I'm searching for!"
"Yes...and I have been searching for you as well, Firehawk."
"How do you..."
"I know all that must be known for the past, present or future to ever exist."
"Why did Thennanor send me to you?"
"Because I am the one who will eradicate the mistake that you made!"
"What mistake? What did I do?"
"I am afraid there is no time to tell you of such things now."
"I will not willingly do anything that you want of me until you tell me!"
"Fine, I shall tell you. There are certain things that I cannot tell you at this moment, but there are a few details that I can release. You are the first in a bloodline, in which lies the fate of all living creatures. Many years ago, a shadow descended upon this land, and it overthrew all that lived. We amanged to defeat the shadow, though there is a great tale behind it. We knew that it was not destroyed though, so we set up a defense incase it ever woke up. If it did, then the one person of the right age would awaken from his essential slumber, and wield the sixteenth blade. But something went wrong. There are many branches of your bloodline, and there were many that were old enough and prepaied enough to take up the burden. But, out of all that it could have chosen, it chose you, a weak countryboy who loves adventure. You are nine years too young to do what you are to do, and that is why I'm here."
"Eradicate...your going to kill me?"
"No, though what I will do may seem far worse. You grew up inosent and pure. You know nothing of the horrors that will ensue if you fail, and so you must experience those horrors so your power will arise to it's full extent."
"What are you saying?"
"You are going to leave this land for nine years, and live in a world corrupt by the evil shadow. Firehawk, you will live in the future for nine years. Seven hundred years in the future actually."
"And...and if I say no?"
"It is not your decision."
"This is...quite an undertaking..."
"What will happen after my nine years are up?"
"You will know what to do when the time comes."
"Then...then let us go."
"Azurit kazyamnak fietros!" screamed Merlin as a blue portal surrounded us. In an instant, we stood in a land covered with dark clouds. It was hell on earth, and I would have to survive it for nine years.

...To be continued

Chapter 30, Where did they go?

"Joseph!" screamed Faruma into the night "Joseph! Why did he have to..."
"Faruma, he's gone." said Lin "The sea must have dragged him under."
"NO!" screamed Faruma "He's not dead!"

Faruma stopped and took a deep breath, and began to remove his stealthj black suit. Underneath, He was wearingno dhirt, exposing his his muscled chest, covered in scars and bruises. He was wearing a sort of baggy pants underneath. His red eyes glinted in the moonlight, and his blue hair ruffled in the wind as a few tears leaked out if his eyes. He quickly attempted to cover them up.

"I've lost Joseph. He was my mission, and I failed. I have no honor, so I have no right to wear the Folor(that's what the thing is called)."

There was a sudden burst of blue light, and there he stood.Merlin.

...To be continued

Chapter 31, Merlin speaks

"Merlin of the councel of elders." said Faruma "What unwanted surprise. To what do we owe the dishonor?"
"I have to come to tell you of Joseph's fate." said Merlin in a mocking voice
"What did you do to him?" demanded Lin
"That is not the point of my appearence. I have a mission for you."

...To be continued

Chapter 32, The resurrections

The earth shook slightly. A small pile of dirt with a cross laid atop sat queitly. The stench of demonic corpses filled the air. The aerth shook again.

He opened his eyes and shot up, remembering what happened

He fought through hundreds of demons to save the boy to whom he'd sworn his life. He died in the process. Or had he?

"Thennanor, wake from your slumber. Your part in this world hath not yet been played through. You hae much work to do before you may rest in peace." said a voice from out of the sky

Thennanor looked around, searching for the boy. He had gone, and who knew how long it ahd been scince Thennanor had 'died'?

"You have much work to do before you may rest in peace. I will not fail again. I have much work to do." said Thennanor to himself

...To be continued

Chapter 33, The plans

"Well, well, well..." said the shadow infested king "Merlin has finally made his move. Sent you the boy into the future so he can experience what my rule would be like, hoping to give him greater strength. Give you a mission to Faruma and Li, so as to convince them of Joseph's death. Another move I see you have made, but such I cannot see at the moment. GUARDS!" screamed the king. At his order, two guards burst in through the massive doors.
"Yes my lord!" said the two in unison
"Bring to me the mirror of death." said the king
"The...the mirror?!" said the one on the left
"But my lord, the mirror has not been disturbed since the yesteryears of war!" said the one on the right
"War shall soon be upon us. Bring it to me."

The two guards left and came back a few minutes later with a great mirror so big that it could barely be carried by two people. They set it down infront of the kings throne.

The mirror of death was not the usual mirror one would see. The glass was solid, but it was black, and could not be broken.

"Leave me." said the king, the guards quickly exiting and closing the door "mirror of death, show me the soul of Thennanor Kenshin."

The mirror began to ripple as though it was a pond, and a large yellow spot appeared.

"So it is as I thought. Merlin, your plan was to surprise me with a ressurected Thennanor at my doorstep. I suppose you did not count on me taking the kings body so soon. Heh, fool. He sees only what is shown to him. I will be ready. Mirror of death! Bring to me the souls of my army! Give them mind and flesh and willing armor!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of black souls came out from the mirror, forming mortal bodies with swords and armor. They all bowed before the king.

"Stay hidden my minions, as your time has not yet come. But it shall, and when it does, we will rule this earth!" screamed the king, letting out a maniacle laugh

...To never be concluded.

Feb. 3rd, 2004


Aug. 4th, 2004

-1-The Legend of the Sixteenth Blade-

"So you are Faruma, the assassin of the east..." spoke the king from high atop his throne, "Tell me, how does the king of NiJarud reside these days?"
"He passed on only days ago. I am surprised that you have not heard." stated Faruma as he knelt before the king, the tip of his sword tapping the marble floor,
"He was getting on in years...who rules the kingdom now?"
"No one. Anarchy and chaos rule hand in hand."
"What of the prince?"
"If I may, king Liosa, why have you called to this place? It is a three day ride from NiJarud and my horse was slaughtered on the first. I have gone through much trouble to reach this place. I hope you are paying me a hefty sum?"

The room fell into an eery silence. Light shone through the windows in streams of siler, filtering through the blue curtains and casting an ominous shadow over the king's face. The room was large, like theater almost, the ceiling twenty feet high and the walls forty feet apart. Upon a ten foot throne of gold sat the king, his silver crown glinting slightly from a small ray of light. The thick beard of graying hair covered his face, yet parted right before his lips. His face was old, but this man had only lived thirty years. His face was old from fright, from the many wars and threats he'd had to endure. The king seemed to glow in the ambience of the low lit room, his red and white clothes contrasting to the solid finality of stone. Faruma, dressed completely in a black suit of flexible cloth armor, stood from his knee and looked up at the king. His hair was black, his sword'd sheath was painted black. Only one speck of color shown from his shadow-like figure; his eyes. His eyes, like a cats, were a bright yellow. They seemed to glow themelves, showing the emotion behind the killer. One glance could tell you that his life had been hell, but by the time you'd thought this out, you'd be dead.

"Straight to business, I see. You've heard the many legends of old, yes?"
"You needn't say any more. I have been offered fortunes far higher than any you can imagine for the item which you seek."
"And what is it that I seek?"
"The sixteenth blade!"

The king held his tongue for a few moments, taking in a breath and letting out a shallow laugh.

"Tell me, what all do you know of the sixteenth blade?"
"It was a sword forged by a sorcerer to defeat the evil shadow that resided over our land. Whenever it fulfilled its purpose, it sank into the earth. The legend says that it will only rise if another shadow has fallen across the land. Supposedly, anyone who holds this blade is granted the power of all fifteen elements, and a sixteenth that no one has ever seen. It is impossible to find this blade."

The king laughed once more.

"Almost everything you say is true...but it was not a socerer that forged the sixteenth blade, it was a normal mortal man. He begged the gods for a way to vanquish the shadow and they granted him the ability to forge the sixteenth blade. Do you know why it is called the sixteenth blade?"
"Your majesty, with all due respect, I did not come here to answer a quiz."
"I will ask you no more questions beyond this one. Now please, answer the question."
"When the war against the shadow was still young, fifteen men did the same thing, only the war then was not as dire, so instead of being granted the full power, each man was granted the ability to forge only one element each in a sword. When they all failed, the man named FireHawk forged the sixteenth blade and ended the war."

The king stood from his throne and stepped forward.

"Excellant. Your mission is simple, Faruma. The truth is, the sixteenth blade never sank into the earth. It has been hidden by those of the FireHawk lineage for years. The great grandson of the forger of the sixteenth blade lives in a small farm town only two days away by horse. I will give you a new horse and all the supplies you need. Go to this village and find the man with the sixteenth blade and bring it to me. When you do, I will pay you three thousand pounds of gold and let you keep all the equipment I gave you. Is that understood?"
"Clear as crystal. I shall leave immediately."
"Oh no, please, take your time. Rest in the most lavish of beds and drink the most fine of wines. You may leave tomorrow when you are back in tip top shape."
"Thank you, my lord, but I would prefer to leave immediately."

The king sat back in his throne and laughed, this time a true laugh.

"Do as you wish, Faruma. not fail. If you return without the sword...your head will be mine."
"Understood my lord."

Faruma bowed and turned, leaving through the massive oak doors. When he was out of earshot, he let out a hearty laugh and drew his sword. It glowed yellow, brighter even than his eyes. be continued

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