Monday, October 6, 2008

This One Isn't As Silly As The Last One.

Alright, so, I've been having some thoughts about what exactly I want to do with this blog, and the answer seems to be, "Everything."

So! Here is the run down. I expect that I will be posting rants of both the comical and / or serious variety more than anything. Betwixt that I will probably go on existential rants which will be flagged by a serious title so that they may be avoided like the plague. And then there will be stories posted, with the title being the title of the story followed by a Part ___ label.

That first post was pretty random, and I don't want it to be an indicator as to the nature of what goes on in my head. It's a pretty random place sometimes, but I only do the joke thing when I'm *trying* to make other people laugh. So yeah... I don't know what I'm saying.

I'm really tired, which makes absolutely no sense at all. I slept all day yesterday, came home and spent a couple hours on the computer, then slept another six. I really need to get a job or something, this whole "let's spend the rest of our lives in a room surrounded by the internet" thing just isn't working out. I'm going to go to college "eventually". I don't know exactly how that works, it's really just laziness and fearfulness on my part. The longer I wait the harder it will become. That being said, I think it's legitimate to want to spend some time with my dad beforehand, and up north in general.

So yeah, I need to get a new computer. The one I have, I love it just because I've had it for such a long time, but the thing is fucking loud. I turn off my music and there's just a loud whirring you can't escape from. Hearing too much of that in one sitting gives me a bad headache.

I've got three stories in particular cooking in my head right now. The Life of John & Clara, an as-of-yet unnamed zombie trilogy, and an as-of-yet unnamed fantasy / sci-fi idea that is meant entirely to be a blank canvas for my imagination. Just to see what I can come up with. The farthest on the horizon is definitely the zombie trilogy, since that's more of a movie thing than a literary thing. Anyone who has read my stuff knows I should stick to conversation and plot and leave the action and excitement to those who know what the fuck they're doing. I'm really itching to start the fantasy / sci-fi story just because I've had these ideas building up in my head for such a long time, but I'm determined to not write a word (except scribblings in my notebook) until John & Clara is finished. I haven't written a word in almost two weeks, because I keep finding reasons not to, but as usual it comes down to laziness. There are a handful of good excuses; I finally got a cord for my electric guitar so I've been playing that a lot, and in general I've been trying to spend more time on my acoustic in an attempt to become a slightly more legitimate player. I've also spent some time doing chores around the house. But really, there are too many hours in the day for me to just not write. I mean, I don't have a job, I'm not in school, the only productive thing I am *even* capable of doing right now is writing, and I should be doing that all the fucking time. But here I am, talking about it instead of actually doing it.

Part of the reason for that is music. It's weird, I find it hard to be on the computer without music, but at the same time it's very hard for me to write productively with music. And the aforementioned computer whir really doesn't help. For John & Clara specifically I found a song that sums it up entirely, and played a low enough volume it just works, but I don't know how long I can do that. I need to just sit down, reread, and keep going. Which I will in the very near future, as soon as I _______. See? There I am doing it again. I really need to get some discipline in my diet.

I'm also getting sick of my computer freezing up every time my iTunes goes to a new song. And just random times where I click on firefox and it's all, "oh hey, you want to do something? I'm sorry, it'll be like ten minutes." I guess it is just what happens when you use the same computer for six years running.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I have stumbled upon your blog of randomness! Haha, it's Ann. =] And I saw that you tagged me and I thought I would read this. It's quite hilarious, that last post.

And having an old computer sucks. But iTunes is uber amazing!!